Using mobile-ID

Today almost all larger e-services have mobile-ID support, providing the option to log in with an ID-card, and mobile-ID works on a computer, a tablet as well as a mobile phone. In order to use e-services, you don’t need a separate card reader or special software – it is enough if you remember your mobile-ID PIN codes.

You even have several options for giving digital signatures with mobile-ID:

  • you can give digital signatures in e-services and activities in web browsers
  • in order to sign documents on a computer, you need DigiDoc4 Client or ID-software
  • in order to sign documents on a smart phone, you need RIA DigiDoc app

You need three codes for using mobile-ID:

  • mobile-ID PIN1 code – for identification or logging in
  • mobile-ID PIN2 code – for giving digital signatures or confirming activities
  • mobile-ID PUK code – for reopening locked PIN codes
  • Mobile-ID: accessing e-services with mID

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    Mobile-ID enables you to access e-services on your smartphone (by using your smartphone browser or apps) or even your work computer. Believe us – it is very easy!

    Step 1: open the website you wish to access. For example,

    Choose mobile-ID as the login method and enter the required data. For example, will ask for your personal identification code and mobile number, another service might ask for the user name instead: please note and follow the instructions on the screen.

    Step 2: the verification code is displayed on screen

    A verification code is displayed on your screen upon accessing e-services.

    The verification code is necessary for you to compare whether it was you or someone else who initiated the authorisation request. If the verification code in your mobile-ID window does not match the verification code of the e-service or your phone indicates that an e-service has been accessed which you have not initiated, never enter your PIN codes.

    Step 3: you will receive a text message with a verification code

    A text message with the same verification code is displayed on your screen approximately at the same time as the verification code on the e-services screen (mostly within seconds). Make sure that these match!

    Step 4: accept entry

    If the verification codes match and you have initiated access to the e-services, press the link Accept. You will be asked for your PIN1 code: enter it and press OK/Send.

    Step 5: confirming transactions and actions on websites

    Confirming transactions and actions, such as bank transfers, is similar to logging in to e-services. You will initiate an activity on your screen and your mobile phone will request PIN2 from you. If you are sure that you initiated the activity that requires a PIN code, enter PIN2 and press OK/Send.

  • Instructions: signing with mobile-ID using DigiDoc4 client

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    Did you know you can sign documents with your mobile-ID? And that a signature given with mobile-ID has the same legal force as a hand-written signature?

    There are two ways to add a digital signature in DigiDoc4 client:

    Locate the document to be signed via your computer’s file manager and right click on the document title. If the pop-up menu includes the link ‘Sign digitally’ (a link with the DigiDoc4 logo, etc.) click on it and the DigiDoc4 Client signing function opens automatically.

    • Windows 10 (64-bit):

    You can also sign documents digitally via Windows Explorer: right click on the file name and select “Sign digitally” in the drop-down menu that opens.

    • Windows 11:

    If the "Sign digitally" option is missing from the Windows 11 Context menu, try selecting the "Show more options" option at the end of its list, or press the Shift + F10 key combination.

    As an alternative, you can launch DigiDoc4 client yourself and click on the option ‘Signature’ in the right-hand menu. You are offered the possibility to drag the necessary documents to DigiDoc4 client or add them by clicking on the ‘... or load file from disk’ button.

    You can also sign several files at once, should you wish – to this end, click on the ‘+ add more files’ button.

    All of the simultaneously signed documents are added in one document container.

    Add ‘Role’ where needed.  What is the role of signatory and how to add it?

    Before signing, make sure that you have added all of the files that you wish to sign simultaneously and click on the ‘Sign with mobile-ID’ button.

    DigiDoc4 will now ask you to enter your phone number and personal identification code. Enter them, make sure that the data are correct and click on the ’Sign‘ button.

    After a few moments, a verification code should appear on the DigiDoc4 client screen and in your incoming text messages.

    Check whether the verification code in DigiDoc4 client matches the one on the mobile screen. If the verification codes match, press ‘Accept’ on your phone. After that the phone asks you to enter your mobile-ID PIN2. Enter it and press ‘OK’/’Send’.

    If the signing is successful, you will see the documents in the digitally signed container and information on the signatures added in the main view.

    NB! You cannot change the contents of a signed container, but you can add and remove signatures.

    Adding your signature to a file already signed and sent to you:

    • Save the document received via e-mail on your computer.
    • Open the signed document in the DigiDoc4 Client.
    • Add your signature.
  • Mobile-ID: digital signing in e-services

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    1. The website on which you wish to digitally sign will ask if you want to digitally sign with mobile-ID.

    2. Verification code is displayed on the website.

    3. A digital signing message will be sent to your phone and the service name and verification number will be displayed on the screen of your phone.

    4. If the service name is correct and the verification number corresponds to the number displayed on the website of the service, it is safe to press OK.

    5. Then you can enter your PIN code.

    For secure use of the mobile-ID, it is essential that:

    • The service name displayed on the screen of your phone correspond to the e-service or website that you wish to enter with mobile-ID.
    • The verification codes on the website of the service and in the phone match.
    • The PIN1 be requested for authentication and PIN2 only be requested for signature.

    Observing the correct use of personal PINs is essential. Only enter the PIN if you are certain that the message has been sent to you by the e-service that you wish to enter.

  • Instructions for signing with mobile-ID in RIA DigiDoc application

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    Step 1: select the file that you want to sign

    Once you have launched RIA DigiDoc app, click on the “Signature” tab in the bottom menu. You will see the “CHOOSE FILE” button in the signing view. Click on it and select the files you want to sign digitally.

    Step 2: do you want to sign several files at once?

    If you want to add several files in one signed container, click on the “+ ADD MORE FILES” button.

    Add as many files as you like – if you forward the signed container later, all of the selected files will be included in it. Once you have added all the necessary files, click on the “SIGN” button.

    Step 3: add a digital signature

    Once you have clicked on the “SIGN” button, you will be directed to the “Container validation” section.

    The files that are included for signature are displayed under the contents of the container: make sure that everything is correct.

    You can view the names of all signatories under container signatures: if you initiated the signing, only your name will be displayed there. However, if you are signing a document container that has been signed by others, the application will display the names of the people who have already added their signature to the files.

    Click on the “SIGN” button only after you have double-checked that everything is in order.

    Now the application will ask whether you want to sign with your ID-card or mobile-ID. Choose “mobile-ID”.

    Please remember that you will be asked to enter your phone number and personal identification number upon signing with mobile-ID. Enter your details and click “SIGN”. A verification code will then appear on your phone screen, and you will be asked whether you want to sign the documents. If the verification codes matches, click “Accept”. Once completed, you need to enter PIN2 of your mobile-ID.

    Step 4: save the signed document container

    NB! To save the signed document container, you need to share it.

    Click on the “SHARE” button and choose where you want to forward or save your digitally signed document container.

    Step 5: you’re done!

    This is it – once you have forwarded and/or saved the signed document container, you are done.

    You can use RIA DigiDoc application for opening digitally signed documents or encrypting them for secure forwarding.
