We invite all ID-software and Digidoc4j library users to join the RIA newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news.
The ID-software newsletter contains information about:
- incidents affecting the libdigidocpp library, services using Web eID, and ID software,
- changes affecting the libdigidocpp library, services using Web eID, and ID software,
- new versions of ID software (release notes),
- developer/integrator events,
- other events related to ID software.
The Digidoc4j library newsletter contains information about:
- incidents impacting services and applications that use the dd4j library,
- upcoming releases for dd4j,
- seminars and workshops for developers/integrators,
- SD-DSS library changes,
- other dd4j related events.
To sign up for the newsletter, please send your contact details (organization name, contact person’s first and last name, contact person’s email address) to [email protected].
If you no longer wish to receive our ID-software or dd4j communications, contact us at [email protected].