You wish to start using your ID-card electronically

Do you wish to set up your computer to use an ID-card? You have come to the right place.

Here you will find step-by-step instructions for downloading and installing the software and a number of other useful tips.

It does not matter whether you are an experienced ID-card user or making your first step towards your electronic identity – everyone is welcome. Our instructions will certainly help you configure your computer for using ID-cards. We have put the necessary information into steps, between which you can easily move back and forth.

  • What is necessary for using the ID-card electronically?

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    In order to use the ID-card electronically on your computer or smart device, you need:

    1. A valid ID-card

    Check that the ID-card itself has not expired. You will find the expiry date on the ID-card.

    2. Valid certificates

    Certificates are electronic evidence that connects you (i.e. your ID-card) and the activities performed with your ID-card.  
    Don’t worry if you don’t know the validity of your certificates: assume that everything is in order when you start installing the software.
    If you are an electronic user of the ID-card, you can check your certificates via DigiDoc4. DigiDoc4 will let you know if the certificate has been suspended or has expired.

    Read more if necessary:
    What are ID-card Certificates

    3. PINs

    The PIN and PUK codes were issued to you in a sealed envelope with your ID-card. If you have forgotten your PIN1 or PIN2, but still have your PUK, you can use it to change your PINs yourself. If there is no PUK either, you must request new PINs from the Police and Border Guard Board or a foreign representation of the Republic of Estonia.

    Read more if necessary:
    What are PINs and how can they be changed?

    4. Internet connection

    The computer on which you want to install the ID-card must have a working Internet connection. If you’re reading this guideline on another smart device, check that your computer is connected to the Internet!

    5. ID-card reader

    You can buy an ID-card reader from almost every computer shop and it is also available in many shopping centres, petrol stations, etc. Just ask!

    Read more if necessary:
    How to check that the ID-card reader is working?

  • Download ID-software

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    ID-software for 64-bit operating systems
    ID-software version: 24.12, DigiDoc4 version:, released 30.12.2024
    ID Software Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022

    Web authentication components for ID card &
    Web signing components for Chrome and Firefox

    Version: 24.9, published 07.10.2024
    ID Software Supported Operating Systems: macOS Monterey (12), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Sonoma (14), macOS Sequoia (15)

    Web signing components for Safari

    Version:, published 07.10.2024
    ID Software Supported Operating Systems: macOS Monterey (12), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Sonoma (14), macOS Sequoia (15)


    DigiDoc4 version:, published 30.12.2024
    ID Software Supported Operating Systems: macOS Monterey (12), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Sonoma (14), macOS Sequoia (15)
    ID Software Supported Operating Systems: Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) (64-bit), Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.10
    ID-software version:, DigiDoc4 version:, released 30.12.2024
    Installation script
    ID Software Supported Operating Systems: Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) (64-bit), Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.10
    ID-software version:, DigiDoc4 version:, released 30.12.2024
    iOS devices
    Version 2.7.0 (published 09.10.2024)
    Supported Operating Systems: iOS 15 and newer
    Android devices
    Version 2.6.1 (published 21.08.2024)
    Supported Operating Systems: Android 9.0 and later

    NB! We recommend using the software that is automatically recommended to you, so you can be sure that it is always the latest version. If you still want to select the software manually, check out our supported operating systems page.

  • Configuring web browsers for using ID-cards

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    Make sure that you’re always using the newest version of the web browser: if necessary, update your browser software and restart your computer! The default settings of most new browser versions are suitable for using the ID-card, but if you still cannot use it, you can configure your web browser manually.

    First of all, select the web browser you want to configure and click on its logo.


    Step 1: Enable extension in web browser

    After installing the ID software, a notification about the "Web eID" extension will appear in the upper right corner of the Google Chrome web browser. To sign in e-services with an ID card, click in the "Enable extension" window and everything should work.

    If the message did not appear in your browser, continue to Step 2.

    Step 2: Open extensions in your browser

    Depending on the browser version, these settings can be located in two different places:

    • Click on the icon with three dots on the right side of Google Chrome and select "More tools → Extensions"
    • Click on the icon with three dots on the right side of Google Chrome and select "Extensions → Manage Extensions"

    Step 3: Enable "Web eID" extension

    A new window with extensions opens, find the extension called Web eID and make sure that it is Enabled. If it's not, enable it.

    The blue indicator in the right corner refers to the activated state of the extension.

    If you accidentally uninstalled the "Web eID" extension, you may manually install it in the Chrome Web Store.

    NB! If there is a “Token signing” extension in the extension selection, it should be removed. Instructions for removal can be found here.

    Step 4: Check whether using the ID-card is now possible in web browser

    After you enable the Web eID extension (Step 3), restart your browser: everything should work!

    Security software

    On some occasions, some third-party software, such as antivirus, adware, etc., handicaps ID software’s work – and the use of your ID-card. Instructions for adjusting your security software settings find here.

    firefoxMozilla Firefox
  • Software installation: which ID-software solution do I need?

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    ID-software and DigiDoc4:

    If you wish to use an ID-card on your computer, you need ID-software that includes the DigiDoc4 application. DigiDoc4 is required for reading data from your ID-card via a card reader, signing documents, logging in to e-services, changing PINs, etc.

    It is worth knowing that macOS users must also separately download web components, without which you cannot log in to e-services via web browsers or make transactions or sign activities there. If you are a Windows user, all software components necessary for using web browsers are saved on your computer during the ID-software installation process.

    RIA DigiDoc mobile application

    If you use mobile-ID or wish to use, forward, open, etc. documents that are digitally signed with an ID-card on your smartphone, we recommend that you also download the RIA DigiDoc mobile application. The latest version is always available on the Install ID-software page; however, remember that you need to open the download link on the device on which you are about to install the software.

    You can also download the RIA DigiDoc application directly from these pages:

  • Contact ID Help Centre

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    If you have performed all of the steps of the help instructions and the problems persist:

    • Restart your computer – this is often sufficient. If you are experiencing problems with using your ID-card, it is recommended to restart your computer without disconnecting your ID card reader or removing the ID-card from the reader. Allow the computer to slowly warm up after restarting, open DigiDoc4 as the first program and check whether it reads your ID-card data correctly. If DigiDoc4 does not read the card data, the fault is likely in the card or the card reader, not the software.
    • Check the functioning of web browsers and the ID-Card after you have opened DigiDoc4: for instance, try to log in to the Internet Bank.
    • Pay attention to error messages! Remember the reason given by the error message for the fault – you can use this to quickly locate a suitable solution on

    Contact our customer support, if necessary:

    The ID customer support helps you with questions related to ID-cards, mobile-ID, DigiDoc4 and their use. The ID helpline is available on business days from 8:30 to 19:00 on (+372) 666 8888.

    The most convenient way to contact customer support is via the "Notify us of the problem" form: this way you can obtain a written answer to your question and step-by-step instructions for resolving the situation.

    If your questions concern the use of Smart-ID or related problems, contact the Smart-ID customer service by calling on +372 715 1606 or visiting the Smart-ID website.

    If your ID-card or another digital document is lost or stolen, you must suspend the certificates related to the card. You can do this by calling our 24-hour certificate suspension helpline on 677 3377.

  • Instructions for installing ID-software on macOS computers

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    Please note that in the case of macOS operating system, you need to save and install two separate software packages on your computer:

    • DigiDoc4 application: you need this for creating digital signatures, use ID-cards, etc.
    • Web browser components for authentication and digital signing*: you need these in order to access, make transactions and create signatures in e-services such as internet banks and the website via your web browser.

    Save software package on your computer and double click on the file name to install it. First, you need to install DigiDoc4, and then the web components.

    Software installation is very simple – all necessary instructions are displayed on the screen. Read the information on the screen before moving on to the next step.

    *Installation of web authentication and signing components is not mandatory: you only need these if you want to use your ID-card to log in to online services.

  • Instructions for installing ID-software on Windows computers

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    In the case of Windows, you also need to install software on your computer after downloading it. First, open the folder where you saved the ID-software file (e.g. “Downloads”), and double click on the file: installation will begin automatically.

    Do not worry – all of the necessary instructions will be displayed on the screen, and the whole process is almost automatic. Its duration depends on the speed of your computer, but it should generally take only a few minutes.

    Once the software is installed and ready for use, you will see a respective message on the screen.

  • Instructions for installing ID-software on Linux computers

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    In the case of Linux, software installation takes place with the help of an automated script via command line. You can find more information in Ubuntu ID software installation, updating and removal instructions, if necessary.

    Step 1: Download required script.
    You can find it here:

    Step 2: Open the terminal and find the script directory.
    Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the installation script using the “cd Folder name” command.
    Don’t add quotes! For example, a navigation command might look like this: cd /home/username/Downloads

    Step 3: Run AutoScript.
    To start the script, enter the Terminal command: sh and press  Enter.

    Step 4: Enter user password.
    There’s nothing going on when you write your password – don’t let it get in the way 🙂 When you have entered the password in the correct format, press Enter.

    Step 5: You will see the question “Do you want yo continue? [Y/n]”.
    Agree to continue, enter Y on the keyboard and press Enter.

    Step 6: If the DigiDoc4/ ID-software is installed successfully, the message “Thank you for using Estonia ID card!” Will be displayed on the terminal.
    The terminal window can be closed.
