Call for E-Service Providers Using Mobile-ID: Add the New “SK ID Solutions EID-Q 2021E” Certificate Now!


Dear Partner,

To ensure that e-services can continue leveraging new Mobile-ID certificates, e-service providers must add the new “SK ID Solutions EID-Q 2021E” intermediate certificate, in addition to the already existing “ESTEID-SK 2015” and “EID-SK 2016” intermediate certificates, to their MID-REST client’s Trust Store configuration. Please note, that no certificate profile changes compared to “EID-SK 2016” are planned.

Please ensure that you have updated the certificates in your systems before August 12, 2024, or have confirmed that the Trusted Service List has been updated with the latest version.

Failure to add the new intermediate certificate configuration will result in new Mobile-ID users being unable to access your e-service or provide digital signatures.

You can find more information about the change here:

The “SK ID Solutions EID-Q 2021E” intermediate certificate is available here:

Should you need help in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us [email protected].

SK ID Solutions
(+372) 610 1880