Security software
On some occasions, some third-party software, such as antivirus, adware, etc., handicaps ID software’s work – and the use of your ID-card. In this section, you will find instructions for adjusting your security software settings.
Configuring ESET security software for using an ID-card
Instructions for configuring antivirus ESET so that it does not interfere with ID-card use.
Bitdefender antivirus software interferes with use of e-services
If you have installed Bitdefender antivirus and you’re not able to enter e-services with your ID-card, you’ll need to change Bitdefender settings.
AVG antivirus software interfering with the use of e-services?
Instructions for configuring AVG AntiVirus so that it does not interfere with e-services accessed by ID-card.
Configuring Kaspersky Security antivirus program for using an ID-card
Instructions for configuring Kaspersky Internet Security software so that it would not interfere with entering e-services with ID-card (such as online banking).
Antivirus software interfering with the use of e-services?
Do you have problems entering e-services using your ID card, and do you have a security software or antivirus installed on your computer? The problem may be caused by the settings of these programs. Instructions…
Avast AntiVirus antivirus software interfering with the use of e-services
Instructions for configuring Avast AntiVirus so that it does not interfere with e-services accessed by ID-card.
Adware interfering with entering into e-services in browser
If the DigiDoc4 Client successfully reads the data of the document in the card reader, but it is not possible to enter e-services, the reason for the malfunctions may lie in adware or malware.
Security risk posed by laptops with fingerprint readers: using e-services without entering a PIN
Laptops with fingerprint readers (particularly by Hewlett Packard, i.e. HP) may pose a security risk where e-services – for instance, the Internet Bank – can be accessed and used for confirming activities and transactions without entering ID-card PINs.