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  • Diagnostics: compiling automatic diagnostic files using DigiDoc4

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    In order to save diagnostics on your computer:

    1. Open the DigiDoc4 software and select ‘Settings’.
      You can find the ‘Settings’ cog icon from the upper right corner of DigiDoc4.
    2. Select ‘Diagnostics’ from the pop-up window.
      This launches the information collection process, as a result of which a report will be displayed that looks something like this:
    3. Save the diagnostics report.
      There are two simple ways to do this – by copying the contents of the report manually or by clicking the ‘Save diagnostics’ link on the bottom edge of the diagnostics window. Save the diagnostics file in a location that can be easily located on your computer. The diagnostics report is saved in .txt format.
    4. Add the diagnostics file to your problem description.
      If you contact ID-helpline, make sure to add the diagnostics file to your e-mail or web form message.

    What kind of information does DigiDoc4 diagnostics contain?

    DigiDoc4 diagnostics collects information on the operating system, basic software versions and card reader drivers and checks functions related to ID-cards: card identification, card reader identification, etc.

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Your answer will help us to determine and suggest the most appropriate technical solution:

We will contact you as soon as possible: our customer service is open on working days from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm