A digital signature is an electronic signature that has the same legal validity as a handwritten signature. Digital signing is very simple. You will only need a digital document (e.g. an ID-card, digital ID, mobile-ID or Smart-ID) and a signing solution (e.g. ID-software or RIA DigiDoc mobile app).
Digital signing in the DigiDoc4 Client with foreign ID-cards
Did you know that with the DigiDoc4 Client you can conveniently and quickly check electronic signatures issued with foreign ID-cards and sign documents?
Signing and encryption with a digital seal (crypto-stick)
To use a digital seal and encryption certificate issued on a crypto-stick with DIgiDoc4 Client, you will need:
SafeNet Authentication Client installed on your computer in addition to the ID-software. -
Signing with Lithuanian mobile-ID and verifying signatures in the DigiDoc4 Client
Digital signatures given with Lithuanian mobile-ID can be conveniently verified via DIgiDoc4.
Saving e-signature confirmation page
Using DigiDoc4 Client, the e-signature confirmation page can be saved and printed. The confirmation page displays data on the signed files and the signers.
Log file generation in DigiDoc4 client and RIA DigiDoc application
With the DigiDoc4 Client and RIA DigiDoc you can generate and save a libdigidocpp library and DigiDoc4 client log file.
You wish to add a digital signature using DigiDoc4 Client
Digital signing is very simple.
Firstly, you need to decide which tool you want to use for signing: your ID-card, mobile-ID or Smart-ID.
If you are using your ID-card, insert it into the card reader, connect the reader to your computer and launch the DigiDoc4 Client. -
Digital signing with Finnish ID-cards
Did you know that DigiDoc4 allows you to conveniently and rapidly verify digital signatures given with the Finnish ID-card and sign documents using the Finnish ID-card? Or that a signature given with the Finnish ID-card is not at a level equivalent to a digital signature given with the Estonian ID-card?
Digital signing with Latvian and Lithuanian ID-cards
Did you know that DigiDoc4 allows you to validate digital signatures given with the Latvian and Lithuanian ID card as well? And that you can use the Lithuanian and Latvian ID cards for signing?
Use of DigiDoc4 client and RIA DigiDoc mobile application for business purposes
All ID card, digital ID and/or mobile-ID holders have an allotted number of free digital signatures every calendar month. The limit affects signing for personal use and only digital signatures executed through ID-software.
DigiDoc4 Client error: Please check your computer time
Error will be displayed in DigiDoc4 Client when computer time differs from the validity confirmation service time by at least 15 minutes.