A digital signature is an electronic signature that has the same legal validity as a handwritten signature. Digital signing is very simple. You will only need a digital document (e.g. an ID-card, digital ID, mobile-ID or Smart-ID) and a signing solution (e.g. ID-software or RIA DigiDoc mobile app).
Digital signing in RIA DigiDoc mobile application
Digitally signing documents with the RIA DigiDoc mobile app is very easy for both mobile-ID and ID-card users. Step-by-step instructions.
How does a person, who does not have DigiDoc4, see digital signatures? Where can you check digital signatures?
If you have a card reader and ID-card then you can use Dokobit portal. Besides checking digital signatures, Dokobit portal can also be used to digitally sign documents. DigiDoc4 can be used to open documents and…
What do signer role/resolution mean and how to add them to the document?
You can add details to the container about your association with the documents and signature in free text. Adding this information is not mandatory, however your employer or service provider may require it when signing documents…
DigiDoc4 – Error: OCSP responder is not trusted! No certificate for this responder in local certstore!
This error is displayed when the computer does not have the necessary certificates to verify a signature. Usually the solution is to install the latest ID-software that has all the necessary certificates for verifying different…
Use of DigiDoc4 application and RIA DigiDoc mobile application for business purposes
All ID card, digital ID and/or mobile-ID holders have an allotted number of free digital signatures every calendar month. The limit affects signing for personal use and only digital signatures executed through ID-software.
Signing and encryption with a digital seal (crypto-stick)
To use a digital seal and encryption certificate issued on a crypto-stick with DIgiDoc4, you will need:
SafeNet Authentication Client installed on your computer in addition to the ID-software. -
You wish to add a digital signature using DigiDoc4
Digital signing is very simple.
Firstly, you need to decide which tool you want to use for signing: your ID-card, mobile-ID or Smart-ID.
If you are using your ID-card, insert it into the card reader, connect the reader to your computer and launch the DigiDoc4 Client. -
Digital signing in the DigiDoc4 application with foreign ID-cards
Did you know that with the DigiDoc4 application, in addition to validating electronic signatures, you can also sign files with foreign ID-cards?
Signing error: Please check your computer/smart device time
The error occurs both in the DigiDoc4 client and in RIA DigiDoc when the time of the device used for signing differs from the time of the validity confirmation. Below you will find instructions on…
Access certificate: what is it?
The access certificate give you access to the SK ID Solutions AS (SK) validity confirmation service. The validity confirmation service adds an electronic notation automatically to the digital signatures, defining the time at which the signature was given and…