Install ID-software

Installing and updating ID software is very easy! Our website automatically offers the most recent software compatible with your computer's operating system. Just click on the Download buttons below and follow the on-screen instructions. In case you have trouble updating or installing the ID software, you can find more detailed instructions below.

ID software can only be installed and updated on Windows, macOS and Ubuntu operating systems supported by ID software. Read more here.

ID-software installation for Windows

ID-software installation for macOS

ID-software installation for Linux

ID-software for 64-bit operating systems
ID-software version: 24.12, DigiDoc4 version:, released 30.12.2024
ID Software Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022

Web authentication components for ID card &
Web signing components for Chrome and Firefox

Version: 24.9, published 07.10.2024
ID Software Supported Operating Systems: macOS Monterey (12), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Sonoma (14), macOS Sequoia (15)

Web signing components for Safari

Version:, published 07.10.2024
ID Software Supported Operating Systems: macOS Monterey (12), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Sonoma (14), macOS Sequoia (15)


DigiDoc4 version:, published 30.12.2024
ID Software Supported Operating Systems: macOS Monterey (12), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Sonoma (14), macOS Sequoia (15)
ID Software Supported Operating Systems: Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) (64-bit), Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.10
ID-software version:, DigiDoc4 version:, released 30.12.2024
Installation script
ID Software Supported Operating Systems: Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) (64-bit), Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS), Ubuntu 24.10
ID-software version:, DigiDoc4 version:, released 30.12.2024
  • Instructions for installing and updating ID-software on Windows computers

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    Installing the software

    In the case of Windows, you also need to install software on your computer after downloading it. 

    Step 1 : First of all, we recommend closing all Internet browser windows. Then open the folder on your computer where you saved the ID software file (for example "Downloads" or "Downloads") and double-click the file name: the installation will start automatically.

    Don not worry – all the necessary instructions will be displayed on your screen and the whole process will happen as if by itself. How long this takes depends on the speed of your computer, but generally the whole process should only take a few minutes.

    In the welcome window, press the "Install" button to start the installation.

    Windows may ask for User Account Verification. Press the "Yes" button.

    NB! ID software may display a browser close message when installed. The message is displayed if an older ID software version than 2022.01 is installed on the computer. When the message is displayed, you must close the web browser and continue installing the ID software by pressing the "Retry" button.

    Step 2 : When the software is installed on the computer and ready for use, you will see a corresponding message on the screen. Press the "Close" button.

    • Instructions for setting up web browsers to use the ID card can be found here.

    Updating the software

    There are two ways to update the ID software:

    • Download the ID software installer from the website, run it and follow the same instructions as when installing the program for the first time.
    • Start checking for available updates in the app's own settings:

    Step 1 : First of all, we recommend closing all Internet browser windows. Then open the DigiDoc4 client and press the "Settings" button in the upper right corner.

    Step 2 : At the bottom of the DigiDoc4 client, press the "REFRESH CONFIGURATION" button.

    After that, a confirmation message should appear and the update dialog should open. Press the "Close" button.

    Step 3 : If you see "No updates are available" at the top of the dialog, it means that there are no ID software updates at the moment and the latest version of ID software is already installed.

    Otherwise, a dialog will inform you of the available update version. Clicking the "Start downloading" button will start downloading the ID software update. After the update is downloaded, a new dialog box will inform you that you can start the update process. Press the "Run" button to start it.

    NB! Please note that the language of the dialog windows depends on the interface language of the computer's operating system, not the language of the DigiDoc4 client interface.

    After that, follow the on-screen instructions of the installer. At the end of the installation process, the ID software will be updated.

  • Instructions for installing ID-software on macOS computers

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    Please note that in the case of macOS operating system, you need to save and install three separate software packages on your computer:

    • DigiDoc4 application: you need this for creating digital signatures, use ID-cards, etc.
    • Web browser components for authentication in Chrome and digital signing in Firefox*: you need these in order to access, make transactions and create signatures in e-services such as internet banks and the website via your web browser.

    Step 1 : Save software package on your computer and double click on the file name to install it. We recommend that you close all Internet browser windows. First, you need to install the web components.

    Selle pildi alt-atribuut on tühi. Failinimi on mac-install-1-1.png

    Step 2 : Software installation is very simple – all necessary instructions are displayed on the screen. Read the information on the screen before moving on to the next step.

    Selle pildi alt-atribuut on tühi. Failinimi on mac-install-2-1024x736.png
    Selle pildi alt-atribuut on tühi. Failinimi on mac-install-3-1024x733.png

    Step 3 : Click Customize to remove Firefox and Chrome authentication and signing support. Estonian ID-card support is a necessary component for ID-card operation.

    Selle pildi alt-atribuut on tühi. Failinimi on mac-install-4-1-1024x732.png

    Step 4: A new Apple Store window will open. You may install Web eID support for Safari and the DigiDoc4 application.

    Install them if necessary. You need an Apple account.

    Step 5: The installation ends with a hint to allow run the extensions.

    * Installation of online authentication and signing components is optional: you only need them if you want to access Internet services with an ID card.

  • Instructions for installing ID-software on Linux computers

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    In the case of Linux, software installation takes place with the help of an automated script via command line. You can find more information in Ubuntu ID software installation, updating and removal instructions, if necessary.

    Step 1: Download required script.
    You can find it here:

    Step 2: Open the terminal and find the script directory.
    Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the installation script using the “cd Folder name” command.
    Don’t add quotes! For example, a navigation command might look like this: cd /home/username/Downloads

    Step 3: Run AutoScript.
    To start the script, enter the Terminal command: sh and press  Enter.

    Step 4: Enter user password.
    There’s nothing going on when you write your password – don’t let it get in the way 🙂 When you have entered the password in the correct format, press Enter.

    Step 5: You will see the question “Do you want yo continue? [Y/n]”.
    Agree to continue, enter Y on the keyboard and press Enter.

    Step 6: If the DigiDoc4/ ID-software is installed successfully, the message “Thank you for using Estonia ID card!” Will be displayed on the terminal.
    The terminal window can be closed.


RIA DigiDoc mobile application

You can install the RIA DigiDoc mobile application on your smart device free of charge. The download links will take you to software download websites.

Read more about RIA DigiDoc

iOS devices
Version 2.7.0 (published 09.10.2024)
Supported Operating Systems: iOS 15 and newer
Android devices
Version 2.6.1 (published 21.08.2024)
Supported Operating Systems: Android 9.0 and later

Browser configuration

chromeChrome firefoxMozilla Firefox safariSafari edgeMicrosoft Edge