Knowledge base
In this section, you can find interesting background information for developers of digital services about documentation, applicable standards, e-services, Estonian e-state insignia, etc.
Undersign.js – JavaScript library for creating digital signatures
Undersign.js is a JavaScript library for creating eIDAS-compliant XAdES digital signatures and ASiC-E containers. Undersign.js has built-in support for the use of the Estonian ID-card, Mobile-ID and Smart-ID services, but can also be used with…
Developer-friendly electronic authentication and signing solutions by Dokobit
Dokobit offers businesses various SaaS solutions for authentication, signing and validation processes.
Cryptographic algorithms life cycle reports
Cryptographic algorithms life cycle reports ordered by the Information System Authority
Architecture of ID-software
Architecture of ID-software document “Architecture of ID-software” gives an overview of ID components, their internal and external interfacing and their location in software runtime environments.
eID symbols
Logos and other symbols of electronic identity (eID) can be used free of charge by all providers of e-services. Logos, pictograms, etc. can be found from the eID symbols page on the RIA website.
eID Easy – a solution for eID developers
eID Easy is a solution provider in the field of Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) and electronic identity in Estonia and in other countries.