DigiDoc libraries
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DigiDoc Java library – cdoc4j
Cdoc4j is Java library for encryption and decryption of files, designed to replace the encryption and decryption functionality in the JDigiDoc Java library. All the information related to the digital signing library has been gathered to the project…
DigiDoc Java library – digidoc4j
DigiDoc4j is a Java library for electronic signature creation and validation. Digidoc4j uses European Commission managed DSS software library as a base library. DigiDoc4j library source code can be found in GitHub – https://github.com/open-eid/digidoc4j. For…
DigiDoc libraries – C++ library – libdigidocpp
As of ID-software version 3.8, an additional multi-platform libdigidocpp library was added to the libraries designed for developers and integrators.
DigiDoc libraries: overview
DigiDoc libraries can be used to create DigiDoc-compatible applications. An overview of DigiDoc libraries and file formats supported therein.
Using certificate Trust Service Status Lists (TSLs) in software libraries
Trust Service Status Lists (TSLs) are used in Libdigidocpp (v3.9 and later) and DigiDoc4j libraries. More information on TSLs can be found in the documentation.