Viewing and saving ID-card certificates
Guidelines on how to view and save your ID-card certificates.
Certificates and their security
The certificates tied to your digital means of identification (such as the ID-card, digital ID, Mobile-ID, Smart-ID) represent you in the electronic world. Therefore, it’s important that your certificates are always protected.
Certificate Policy for identity card, digital identity card, residence permit card and diplomatic identity card
Certification policy for ID-1 documents.
Suspending ID-card certificates
You should suspend the certificates of your ID-card as soon as you notice that you have lost it or it has been stolen: this way, your electronic identity remains protected.
If you’re certain that your ID-card has been stolen and cannot be retrieved, you should cancel it.
Kui oled kindel, et ID-kaart on tõepoolest varastatud ja välja ei tule, tuleks kaart tühistada. -
Compete information about the terms of use of certificates
The terms of use of certificates describe the main principles followed when issuing and using the certificates of ID-cards, residence permit cards, digital IDs and diplomatic identity cards.
Validity of the certificates of the ID-card
You can see whether your ID-card certificates are valid when you open DigiDoc4. An ID-card cannot be used for electronic acts without valid certificates, e.g. you cannot log in to your bank or sign documents digitally!
Certificates: What are they and why do I need them?
Certificate means the electronic evidence that ties a person (e.g. with their ID-card) to the right to perform legally binding acts (making bank transfers, signing contracts, etc.).