In order to verify files that are digitally signed with an ID-card or a mobile-ID and/or digitally stamped, all of the root certificates, certifiers and OCSP-responder certificates used to date must be configured in the information system.
märksõna: certificates
Using certificate Trust Service Status Lists (TSLs) in software libraries
Trust Service Status Lists (TSLs) are used in Libdigidocpp (v3.9 and later) and DigiDoc4j libraries. More information on TSLs can be found in the documentation.
Using certificate Trust Service Status Lists (TSLs) in software libraries
Trust Service Status Lists (TSLs) are used in Libdigidocpp (v3.9 and later) and DigiDoc4j libraries. More information on TSLs can be found in the documentation.
Guidelines on how to view and save your ID-card certificates.
You can see whether your ID-card certificates are valid when you open DigiDoc4. An ID-card cannot be used for electronic acts without valid certificates, e.g. you cannot log in to your bank or sign documents digitally!
DigiDoc4 message: updating the list of trusted certificates was unsuccessful
What to do when DigiDoc4 says that updating the list of trusted certificates was unsuccessful.
What to do if an ID-card or other digital document is lost or stolen?
Did you discover that your ID-card is lost or stolen? First, consider whether you have used it recently and left it in a slightly different place than usual, for example, on the desk? How you proceed depends on how sure you are of the theft of the card.
Certificate means the electronic evidence that ties a person (e.g. with their ID-card) to the right to perform legally binding acts (making bank transfers, signing contracts, etc.).
If the phone connected to your mobile-ID is lost or stolen, you should immediately suspend the mobile-ID certificates in order to be protected from identity theft.