There are various options for realizing digital signature with ID card, mobile-ID, Smart-ID and e-Seal in your own e-service. In order to find the most suitable solution for you, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the options below.
Government sector institutions can join the Digital Signature Gateway service in their own e-service for digital signing with an ID card, mobile ID, Smart-ID and e-Seal. If desired, it is also possible for all interested parties to use the software underlying the Digital Signature Gateway service.
In order to check digital signatures, it is possible to interface your e-service with the validation service SiVa, with which you can easily check digitally signed documents.
Using DigiDoc libraries, it is possible to integrate the creation and validation of digital signatures into your own systems and applications:
To implement digital signing with an ID-card in your e-service:
To implement digital signing with a mobile-ID in your own e-service:
To implement digital signing with Smart-ID in your e-service:
Other personal identification and digital signature solutions offered by the private sector:
- Dokobit's developer-friendly authentication and digital signing solutions
- eID Easy - a solution for eID developers
- Undersign.js – JavaScript library for creating digital signatures
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