Guidelines for testing ID-card solutions:
Guidelines for testing mobile-ID solutions:
Other test services:
To test signing or authentication solutions, we recommend using the test services provided by SK ID Solutions. The use of test services is free.
The Certificate Trust List (TSL) allows you to determine the qualified status of trusted service providers and their services. Read more here.
- LOTL test address::
- Estonian test TSL address::
Validity Confirmation Service allows checking the validity of the certificate in real time. Read more here.
- OCSP test service address::
- The OCSP test service can be used with a test card* or with an ID-card/e-Seal by uploading the certificates in advance to the test service database
A timestamp service proves that certain data existed at a given point in time. Read more here.
- Timestamp test service address:
The Smart-ID service allows you to add Smart-ID authentication and/or signing support to an e-service or application. Read more here.
- Smart-ID test service address and accounts for use in the test service:
- Instructions for making a Smart-ID test application:
ID-card authentication and signing test environment
- ID-card authentication and signing test environment:
- Test environment for authentication and signing with test card*:
* ID-card = personalized ID-card issued to the person by PPA; test card = test data issued by SK