How to create a free App Store account, without inserting payment method, for installing DigiDoc4

Apple iTunes account is required to download different free and paid applications for Apple devices.

Starting from ID-software version 3.8 the DigiDoc4 can only be found at Apple App Store.

NB! Free account can only be created during software installation process right before installing the actual software.

To create an account open App Store and find ID-card application you want to install. Best way to find applications is to use search for DigiDoc4.

If you have found the applications then you’ll see a following view.

Now click on the “GET” button under application and continue with “INSTALL”.

You are asked to login with Apple-ID, but since we dont have one we’ll choose “Create Apple ID”.

Next page ask’s for valid email address and secure password.

NB! Secure password contains atleast one capital letter, number and punctuation mark.

Minimum password length is 8 digits.

Now you can choose the payment method. Choose “None” thatlets you download and install all applications that are marked “Free” in App Store.

Even though the payment method is set to “None”, you still have to fill the address fields related to user account.

Click Create Apple ID” upon which all data will be verified and account created if everything was correct.

Last step is to enter the code that was sent to your main email address.

If for some reason the email does not arrive shortly then it’s possible to “Request a New Code”.

The arrival of verification email depends on your email provider.

After activating your Apple account you can install free software.