
In this section you will find instructions for writing to us and getting help if you cannot find the answer to your questions on our website, or if you want to inform us of problems.

  • ID-software: saving diagnostics files

    Saving automatic diagnostics files with the help of DigiDoc4 is quick and easy! This is helpful if you wish to contact the ID user support in the case of errors.

  • Notify us of the problem

    You can find answers to all the most frequently asked questions about the electronic use of ID-card and mobile-ID on the webpage: feel free to use our search function! However, if your problem remains unsolved, please contact the ID Help Centre through the form here. The more precisely you describe your problem and the emergence of the situation, the more personalized assistance we can provide. All answers with easy steps and instructions that could help to resolve your problem will be sent to you in writing!