Mobile-ID testing

To test mobile-ID solutions, we recommend using the test services provided by SK ID Solutions. The use of test services is free.

Mobile-ID service

Validity Confirmation Service allows checking the validity of the certificate in real time. Read more here.

A timestamp service proves that certain data existed at a given point in time. Read more here.

What tests should be done?

Below are the most commonly used service typical test stories. Depending on the functionality offered by a specific e-service, it may be necessary to perform additional tests.

Personal identification with mobile-ID in the e-services

To test personal identification with a mobile-ID in the e-service, at least the following tests should be performed:

  1. Successful identification with mobile-ID
  2. Personal identification with mobile-ID with revoked certificates

Digital signing with mobile-ID and checking the validity of digital signatures

In order to test the digital signature with mobile-ID and the validity check of digital signatures, at least the following test should be performed:

  • Creating and signing an ASiC-E container with a mobile-ID
    • Validation of the created container in the DigiDoc4 Client or RIA DigiDoc mobile application
    • Validation of the created container with the SiVa service

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