You wish to locate the DigiDoc4 application of ID-software on your computer?

Have you installed ID-software on your computer and are now unable to locate the DigiDoc4 software in order to use your ID-card?

Launching DigiDoc4 in Windows

In Windows, a shortcut is created on your desktop during the installation of ID-software unless you have specified otherwise in the course of installation.

Double click on the DigiDoc4 icon on your desktop in order to launch it.

If you do not have an icon on the desktop to click on, there is generally also a shortcut in the START menu.

Windows 10 users can access the DigiDoc4 application from the Start menu as follows: there is a letter titled ‘D’. Under it you can locate the application:

Windows 11 users will find the DigiDoc4 icon in the Start menu, if they click on All Apps >, then they will find the DigiDoc4 application under the letter D. Make a selection to open it.

Launching DigiDoc4 in macOS

In macOS, the shortcut icon is installed in the systematic ‘Applications’ catalogue or on your desktop. Click on the DigiDoc4 icon in order to launch it.

Additionally, you can use the Spotlight search in the upper right corner using the keyword ‘digidoc’.

Launching DigiDoc4 in Linux

The location of the DigiDoc4 shortcut can differ depending on the Linux version used. The best way is to use systematic search, which comes with every version of Linux. Use the keywords ‘ID’ or ‘ID-card’ when performing the search.

Example: Ubuntu, version 18.04 LTS

The upper left corner features the systematic search shortcut icon (‘Dash home’). Click on it and type in ‘ID’ as the search term. Click on the icon in order to launch the DigiDoc4 application.

DigiDoc4 client logo in Ubuntu