A digital signature is an electronic signature that has the same legal validity as a handwritten signature. Digital signing is very simple. You will only need a digital document (e.g. an ID-card, digital ID, mobile-ID or Smart-ID) and a signing solution (e.g. ID-software or RIA DigiDoc mobile app).
Digital signing in RIA DigiDoc mobile application
Digitally signing documents with the RIA DigiDoc mobile app is very easy for both mobile-ID and ID-card users. Step-by-step instructions.
Is it possible to create a legally valid digital signature with other programs?
Several programs (Microsoft Word, Open Office, Adobe Acrobat, Thunderbird) offer the possibility of digital signing. Unfortunately, if the timestamping service has not been used to sign them, these signatures may not be equal to a…
Document has invalid signature
Did you encounter a situation where digital signing of the document worked correctly but the signature became invalid when you sent the signed document to a recipient?
We recommend using an e-seal instead of mass signing with the ID card
We recommend using an e-seal instead of mass signing with the ID card