Configuring browsers for using ID-card

To use e-services such as online banking, state portal and be able to confirm actions and transactions and digitally sign documents with your ID-card, you first have to configure your web browsers. Your browser must allow use of the ID-card certificates.

NB! There is no Web eID extension in the web browser of mobile devices (phone, tablet, etc.). The Web eID extension is only in the computer's web browser.

If you experience any problems with using ID-card on the web, check your browser settings. Our step-by-step instructions will make the browser configuration go quickly and easily!

  • Browser configuration: Google Chrome – Web eID

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    Step 1: Enable extension in web browser

    After installing the ID software, a notification about the "Web eID" extension will appear in the upper right corner of the Google Chrome web browser. To sign in e-services with an ID card, click in the "Enable extension" window and everything should work.

    If the message did not appear in your browser, continue to Step 2.

    Step 2: Open extensions in your browser

    Depending on the browser version, these settings can be located in two different places:

    • Click on the icon with three dots on the right side of Google Chrome and select "More tools → Extensions"
    • Click on the icon with three dots on the right side of Google Chrome and select "Extensions → Manage Extensions"

    Step 3: Enable "Web eID" extension

    A new window with extensions opens, find the extension called Web eID and make sure that it is Enabled. If it's not, enable it.

    The blue indicator in the right corner refers to the activated state of the extension.

    If you accidentally uninstalled the "Web eID" extension, you may manually install it in the Chrome Web Store.

    NB! If there is a “Token signing” extension in the extension selection, it should be removed. Instructions for removal can be found here.

    Step 4: Check whether using the ID-card is now possible in web browser

    After you enable the Web eID extension (Step 3), restart your browser: everything should work!

    Security software

    On some occasions, some third-party software, such as antivirus, adware, etc., handicaps ID software’s work – and the use of your ID-card. Instructions for adjusting your security software settings find here.

  • Browser configuration: Microsoft Edge – Web eID

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    Step 1: Enable extension in web browser

    After installing the ID software, a notification about the "Web eID" extension will appear in the upper right corner of the Microsoft Edge web browser. To sign in e-services with an ID card, click in the “Enable extension” window and everything should work.

    If the message did not appear in your browser, continue to Step 2.

    Step 2: Open extensions in your browser

    Click on the icon with three dots on the right-hand side of Microsoft Edge and select Extensions.

    Then click "Manage extensions" in the window that opens.

    Step 3: Enable “Web eID” extension

    A new window with extensions opens, find the extension called Web eID and make sure that it is Enabled.

    The blue indicator in the right corner refers to the activated state of the extension.

    If not, enable it. If enabled, the browser may also ask for additional confirmation. Click on "Turn on extension" in the window to confirm.

    If you accidentally uninstalled the "Web eID" extension, you may manually install it in the Microsoft Edge Web store.

    NB! If there is a “Token signing” extension in the extension selection, it should be removed. Instructions for removal can be found here.

    Step 4: Check whether using the ID-card is now possible in web browser

    After you enable the Web eID extension (Step 3), restart your browser: everything should work!

    Security software

    On some occasions, some third-party software, such as antivirus, adware, etc., handicaps ID software’s work – and the use of your ID-card. Instructions for adjusting your security software settings find here.

  • Browser configuration: Safari – Web eID

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    To use the ID-card on the Safari browser, you will need the necessary web components installed on your computer: software package can be downloaded from the install ID-software page.

    Then you will have to allow use of the "Web eID" plug-in in Safari. By default, it is not allowed.

    Our step-by-step instructions will allow you to easily and conveniently verify that all of the plugins you will need to use the ID-card are allowed in Safari. Be sure to watch the video tutorial.

    Step 1: Open Preferences in Safari

    Open the "Safari" menu in the Safari web browser and select "Preferences".

    Step 2: Open the Extensions tab

    This opens the extensions window – find the "Extensions" menu link with the puzzle icon in the upper menu and click on it. Then check that "Web eID" (link with the ID-icon) in the left-hand menu is ticked. Now allow the extension to be used on every websites. Click the "Always Allow on Every Website …", and then "Always Allow on Every Website".

    NB! If there is a “Token signing” extension in the extension selection, it should be removed. Instructions for removal can be found here.

    Step 3: Check that everything is working

    After you have permitted the Web eID plugin, you should be able to use your ID-card with Safari. If necessary, restart your computer and try again.

    However, if the ID-card still doesn’t work, check that DigiDoc4 Client reads your data correctly – maybe the problem lies in the card or the card reader. You can always use another web browser as well (e.g. Mozill Firefox or Google Chrome) or contact ID-help.

    Security software

    On some occasions, some third-party software, such as antivirus, adware, etc., handicaps ID software’s work – and the use of your ID-card. Instructions for adjusting your security software settings find here.

  • Browser configuration: Mozilla Firefox – Web eID

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    Step 1: Open extensions in your browser

    Click on the icon with three dots on the right-hand side of Mozilla Firefox and select "Add-ons and themes".

    Step 2: Open extensions in the manager

    In the left menu of the Manage Your Extensions, there is an "Extensions" option with a puzzle icon. Click on it and you will see the extensions:

    "Web eID" for Windows and macOS operating systems

    "Web eID" and "PKCS11 loader" for Ubuntu operating system

    NB! If there is a “Token signing” extension in the extension selection, it should be removed. Instructions for removal can be found here.

    Step 3: Enable Web eID and PKCS11 loader extensions

    Find the extension named Web eID and make sure its 'Enabled'. If not, enable it.

    Ubuntu operating system must have "Web eID" and "PKCS11 loader" extensions installed. Windows and macOS operating systems only need to have the "Web eID" extension.

    The blue indicator in the right corner refers to the activated state of the extension.

    If you accidentally removed the "Web eID" or "PKCS11 Loader" web extension, you can manually reinstall it from the Mozilla Firefox web store.
    Web eID -
    PKCS11 loader -

    • If “PKCS11 loader” extension fails to install in Mozilla Firefox web browser

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      If the installation of the extension is not possible for some reason, proceed as follows:

      • Starting with Ubuntu 21.10, Firefox is installed by default as SNAP, in which the ID-card cannot be used for online authentication and signing. To solve the situation, you should install the regular version of Firefox to authenticate and sign online with the ID card in the Firefox web browser. (Removing Firefox SNAP will remove ALL users' Firefox profiles. We recommend backing up Mozilla Firefox profiles before removing Firefox SNAP). You can find the instructions here.
      • Check for Mozilla Firefox updates. If there are amy available, please install them and restart the web browser twice.
      • If you have antivirus software, configure it accordingly or remove it temporarily.

    Step 4: Check whether using the ID-card is now possible in web browser

    After enabling the Web eID and PKCS11 loader extensions (step 3), restart your browser: everything should work!

    Security software

    On some occasions, some third-party software, such as antivirus, adware, etc., handicaps ID software’s work – and the use of your ID-card. Instructions for adjusting your security software settings find here.
